Chapters Eleven & Twelve
Eleven – The Profession, the Professional and the Profession Twelve – The Socio-Political and Socio-Economic Context
Chapter Three – Myths About Residential Child Care
Feel the Pain and Do It Anyway – Most recent journal article
Journal Article available for free with Open Access Published in The International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies (2019) 10(2-3): 81–102 DOI: 10.18357/ijcyfs102-3201918854 Abstract: This article is a reflective account of the process of a social care worker’s professional development over a span of 28-years, primarily working within children’s residential care settings. It charts…
Dr Thom Garfat reviews Social Care and Child Welfare in Ireland: Integrating Residential Care, Leaving Care and Aftercare
Published by The Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care and also The International Journal of Social Pedagogy We do not think enough about what we do or the context of our encounters and interactions with youth. Indeed, I worry that too much of the literature of our field is prescriptive – telling us what to…
Transitions from Residential Care
Transitions from Residential Care Maurice Fenton This article appeared in the Spring 2015 edition of Relational Child and Youth Care Practice – Abstract: This article addresses some key areas relating to care leaver’s transitions from residential care. These include the connection between beginnings and endings as well as misconceptions around terminology, including the usage of…
A Social Care Worker’s Experience of the Role of Confidence in Residential Child Care
I remember when I first recall hearing the word vicarious used in a conversation. This conversation occurred some 20 years ago, and the individual in question was my landlord, a well-spoken and ostensibly well-educated man not that much older than me. He was telling me that I would have to vacate the traditional cottage in…
Relationship-Based Self-Care in Social Care – The SOS Model
The most protective and empowering factor is social care work is, in my opinion, beyond doubt the worker themselves. Therefore, how workers make use of ‘self’ in their work is of critical importance. There are many aspects to the use of self and in this article, I intend to address vicarious processes inherent in…
The Stolen Child: Part 2
The Stolen Child: Part Two W.B. Yeats and Carl Jung – Poetry, Magic, the Unconscious and Adolescence This piece of writing developed out of an email to Charles Sharpe of the journal who was reviewing my book Social Care and Child Welfare in Ireland: Integrating Residential Care, Leaving Care and Aftercare –…
New Book Published October 2015 : Social Care and Child Welfare in Ireland: Integrating Residential Care, Leaving care and Aftercare